Across my career I have been faced with countless software projects that have fallen off the rails. I have watched teams go from hopeful to filled with anxiety as their projects begin to crawl and the problems stack up. With the application of great application lifecycle management techniques and the right software development lifecycle steps I have helped to right these projects and bring a sense of good direction and cohesiveness to teams.
More than a project manager
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and a strong approach to the software development lifecycle (SDLC) can mean the difference between a failed project, and a project that wins. If you or your team are struggling with keeping your projects on track, on budget, and on point; examining your ALM and SDLC practices might be a great place to start. That’s where I can help. As an expert in this area, I can help you properly examine those parts of your process and help your team implement a better approach.
As a c-suite technology executive, software engineer, and project manager I have faced a lot of trials in the process of bringing great software to the market. During this struggle, I have learned processes and procedures that can better achieve success during project development. These processes, which I have honed into a repeatable software lifecycle, known now as The DEVUPP Lifecycle, help my clients to achieve better productivity and more visibility from their development teams. This combination of development practices, application lifecycle management, and development approach helps reduce costs and remove labor that is unnecessary. DEVUPP, short for design down and develop up, is my proprietary solution for helping companies get their projects on track and keep them on track.

Our SDLC Focused Development Company
If you are looking for an easy way to introduce great SDLC practices to your team look no further. We created DEVUPP and its India-based sister company DEVUPP Private Limited to supplement existing teams with professionals deeply trained in our DEVUPP Lifecycle.

“A set of practices that answers questions, ends arguments, and provides a clear path where to put code, and why is the best kept secret in the industry.”
– Brian M Kennedy
My Background in ALM/SDLC
In my career, I have utilized dozens of project management tools, hundreds of time-saving developer tools, and have constructed my own software architecture patterns which seek to reduce the time spent making complicated software architecture decisions. My RACETRACK™ software architecture pattern, offered through DEVUPP and DEVUPP Private Limited allows me to save as much as 30% of the time on a project that is typically spent making decisions about software architecture, determining the right place for code to be stored, or refactoring code that has been written without best practices in mind. My skills extend to implementing and training developers on using the best systems for management purposes (including source control, testing practices, and design approvals).
- Misplaced Code – Reduced 55%
- Improved Architecture – Up 30%
- More Team Efficiency – Up 65%
- Reduced Maintenance – Down 35%
Try Out DEVUPP Today
Take a step toward better code, better teams, faster deliveries, and a faster cycles to market.
It turns out I am a sucker for a good process. Schedule a call to talk about The DEVUPP Lifecycle or our partner FlowMojo.